关于宪法的权利,加拿大永久居民(枫叶卡持有者)拥有自由迁徙和居住的权利,这一点,在IRCC的官网上得到了印证 “Asa permanent resident, you have the right to live, work or study anywherein Canada.”。
但官网的解释并没有就此打住,而是补充了一句 “However,if you became a permanent resident through theProvincial Nominee Program, the province that nominated you has chosen youto bring skills to their province.”。
因此大家可以看到,后面这句话表达的非常委婉。首先用了一个表达转折的“However”,意思是说后面的内容跟前面的意思是相反的,尤其是最后这句“the province that nominated you has chosen you to bring skills to their province. ”表达的非常含蓄,没有提到任何right, duty等等法律用语,因此,可以认为这是IRCC对于省提名申请人提出的一个请求,而非要求。