截止至小编发稿(2018年8月7日),对所持护照上国家代码为:CHN(China、Hong Kong SAR & MACAO SAR)TWN(Taiwan)的旅游签(Visitor Visa)、学签(Study Permit)、工签(Work Permit)、以及永久居民(Permanent Residence)的申请人来说,移民局官网给出的关于生物采集的指示是:目前暂时不需要提交生物信息。但是从2018年12月31日起,在递交上述申请的时候就会要求递交生物信息了。
“Biometrics If you are applying to extend your visa, study or work permit (in Canada applicants) - you are exempt from giving biometrics until the in-Canada service is established in 2019.”
“Temporary exemption: Applying in Canada If you are applying for a visa, study or work permit, or permanent residence in Canada – you are exempt until the in-Canada service is established.”