从2017年10月开始,白宫就列出了更详细的移民改革条款,以川普给两院大佬公开信的方式(叫“Immigration Principles and Policies”)向选民具体阐述为什么要移民改革的背景,原则和政策的具体设想,其中一条就包括了亲属链移民的内容:
2017年10月6日川普公开信:End extended-family chain migration by limiting family-based green cards to spouses and minor children and replace it with a merit-based system that prioritizes skills and economic contributions over family connections.
2018年1月25日白宫框架:Promote nuclear family migration by limiting family sponsorships to spouses and minor children only (for both Citizens and LPRs), ending extended-family chain migration.