在2018年,不少H-1B 申请人陆续收到了补件通知 (Request for Further Evidence),俗称RFE。在这篇文章,纽约锦晖事务所 (Zeng Law Group, PLLC)的曾晖律师,会针对Specialty Occupation 和 Beneficiary Qualification 如何补件进行分析和总结。在今后的文章中,我们还会陆续推出Maintenance of Status 系列,敬请期待。
1. A baccalaureate or higher degree or its equivalent is normally the minimum requirement for entry into the particular position;
2. The degree requirement is common to the industry in parallel positions among similar organizations or, in the alternative, an employer may show that its particular position is so complex or unique that it can be performed only by an individual with a degree;
3. The employer normally requires a degree or its equivalent for the position; or
4. The nature of the specific duties is so specialized and complex that knowledge required to perform the duties is usually associated with the attainment of a baccalaureate or higher degree.
Market Research Analyst是一个非常容易获得补件,且最容易被拒绝的职位。移民局颁发补件的原因是:此职位要求最低本科以上学历,但是这个职位可以接受很多领域的本科学历,从而导致不符合H-1B的要求。
Although reported that a bachelor’s degree is typically required, the OOH indicates that widerange of educational backgrounds are suitable for the Market Research Analysts position. This information indicates that the position of Market Research Analysts is an occupation that does not require a baccalaureate level of education in a specific specialty as a normal, minimum for entry into the occupation. There is no standard for how one prepares for a career as a Market Research Analysts, according to the Department of Labor and no requirement for a degree in a specific specialty. As a result, the proffered position cannot be considered to have met the criterion of Bachelor’s or higher degree or its equivalent is normally the minimum requirement for entry into the particular position.
02、Computer Occupation,All Other
OOH 缺少对职位描述,移民局据此颁发补件
Computer Occupations, All Other 也是一个极易获得补件的职位。这主要是因为, OOH对于职位的描述过于局限,甚至没有描述,从而导致移民局无法从OOH中获得过多职位信息。
USCIS routinely references information provided in the Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) which discusses the educational prerequisites for positions. However, the Computer Occupations, All Other listing in the OOH is a general category of occupations encompassing a variety of positions. As such, the OOH does not contain the specific training and educational requirements for the positions listed within this category. Therefore, USCIS is unable to determine if the position requires a minimum of a bachelor's degree in a specificspecialty, or its equivalent.
移民局今年充分了解到这一难点,Vermont Service Center更是推出了人性化模板,即雇主只需要证明,公司在最近2年雇佣的所有同职位人员的学历或成绩单。 如果大家能够提供所有人员的学历,这将是一个非常强有力的证据。在提供学历和成绩单的同时,请一并提供至少一份该同事的paystubs。如果第(3)点无法符合要求,也不用过于紧张,因为我们只需证明4点中的1点,而非全部。我们律所很多客户,在无法提供第(3)点的情况下,照样能够顺利获批。
申请真实案例: 申请人是一家小型器材公司。营销部门人员很少。申请职位是Market Research Analyst。懂行的人都知道,这个职位申请难度非常大,是最容易被拒绝的职位。客户在RFE阶段找到我们。我们跟客户充分沟通了公司性质和职位本身的要求,并指导客户以表格方式对工作内容进行细化,详细阐述所需知识技能。我们同时协助客户准备了组织机构图,审阅了客户找到的相关领域类似规模的公司的招聘广告,并向移民局展示了工作样本等材料。我们同时协助客户准备和修改了2份专家信。客户申请加急,1周内获得批准。