要知道,比中国政府更加痛恨美国媒体的,就是川普,美国的媒体就是唯恐川普舒坦,很多***媒体,就是唯恐美国不乱来博眼球。美国首都杂志“国会山 The Hills” 9月报道,“犯罪率下降,但是受害者感觉在川普治下更不安全(“Crime rates are down, but victims feel less safe under Trump” )。这就是美国典型的缺乏党和政府引导的媒体风格。
“Just this week, a new report from the Brennan Center for Justice shows crime rates in the 30 largest cities declined in the first half of 2017 and violent crime remains on a downward trajectory. These findings directly contradict the rhetoric and actions of the Trump administration. If these rates hold for the remainder of the year, crime will be at its second lowest level since 1990."