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2024-11-27 18:14:05 25

上周五,爱荷华州联邦众议员Steve King推出了一个新的关停EB-5的提案,H.R.1502 - To terminate the EB-5 program。


1. 关停EB-5计划,法案生效之日起生效;

2. 停止接收新申请,并驳回所有未决申请。


“Developers have monopolized the EB-5 program since its creation, exploiting its flaws and fighting against any compulsory reforms,” said King. “These developers messaged and ‘sold’ the program to investors as an easy way to acquire green cards all the while claiming the current market will not support domestic investment amounts. Under the Obama Administration’s unconstitutional and open immigration policy, applications for EB-5 visas suddenly skyrocketed and now, there is an eight year waiting list. The result is they are selling access to citizenship and selling it cheap. While the fraud and abuse of the EB-5 program has been disguised as popularity, the American worker and economy continues to be undermined.

“Furthermore, the program has been derailed to the point where terrorists can easily target it as the perfect tool for access into American society. I have introduced the repeal of the EB-5 program as Congress cannot continue to turn a blind eye to our flawed immigration laws, hoping terrorists don’t exploit our weaknesses.”


有关专家表示:欲关停EB-5的反移民派Steve King现在正处在风口浪尖,恐怕自身难保! 因最近卷入种族主义言论而被爱荷华州共和党主席及国会共和党大佬们的猛烈抨击。纽约和德州的民主党和共和党国会大佬们表示投资移民计划虽小, 但不能被终止! 改革是必要的, 可以与不同意见的议员们进一步磋商。看来, 都市派依然占上风, 据个别大佬透露,议会共和党大佬正在探讨将签证数额增加到十万的可行性, 以应付川普总统十万亿美金基础设施建设的部分缺口, 似乎前景看好。

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