(PPM)The Escrow Account will be released to the Partnership at such time as (a) the Investor’s I-526 application is approved by the USCIS, or (b) as defined in the Escrow Agreement.
(监管协议)At such time as the Escrow Agent has received written notice from the LP and the Subscriber Representative that a Subscriber’s Form I-526 Immigration Petition has been filed with the USCIS, the Escrow Agent shall, subject to the receipt of such funds, disburse the Subscriber’s Subscription Proceeds to the account of the LP in accordance with written directions provided by the LP and Subscriber Representative...
(项目文件) I-526 GUARANTEE“: EB5 Petition guarantees the approval of any I-526 application it completes. If any such I-526 application is denied without possible cure, the EB5 Petition will return any service fees charged。
项目文件中的该条款,恐怕并未明确退还的是投资款,而是“return any service fess”,宣传材料和项目文件对不上号。
Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are not on the Palm House Hotel advisory board, and there is no such board. 川普和克林顿将成为该酒店的专家委员会,并将扮演重要角色,但该委员会并不存在。
In Palm Beach, Robert Matthews, Levinson and Wright took the Chinese Victims’ immigration agents to a charity event at Mar-a-Lago, introduced them to Donald Trump, and arranged for them to take pictures with Donald Trump in an effort to further create the façade that Robert Matthews was an important, wealthy, and trustworthy member of American society and on par with Donald Trump. 开发商鲍勃·马修斯带移民机构,参加了慈善活动,并介绍他们和川普合影,以建立自己正面的形象,显示自己是很重要很有价值,并值得信赖的美国社会成员。
The real property was not worth $110,000,000-$137,000,000. Indeed, the property had been purchased out of foreclosure for $10,000,100, and was recently described by a court-appointed receiver as “circling the drain”. 该产物业不值1.1亿1.37亿美元。其实该物业已经是花费10万美元购买的法拍屋, 被告宣称物业价值1.1-1.37亿美元,但实际是花费1000万美元购买的法拍屋, 最近还被法院指定接收者称作“每况愈下的产业”。
Each investor’s investment was not fully secured by the real property or the State of Florida. In fact, a secret, unrecorded mortgage in the amount of $27,468,750 was granted to the prior developer of the project in August 2013, which was not recorded until March 28, 2014- seven month after it was granted. 投资者并未完全拥有物业担保。一笔秘密的未登记的,价值约2700万美元的抵押已于2013年8月10抵押转手给前任开发商。但这笔登记拖了7个月才登记。
VIII. 招募人数和就业创造
在项目文件PPM中我们可以看到,项目招募79人,最高上限或为经济分析报告中所支撑的数据(...or up to the maximum supported by the project’s Economic Analysis)。
The representations that a maximum of 79 interests in Palm House would be sold were knowingly false. Plaintiffs have discovered that at least 90 units were sold, violating the necessity that investments into an EB-5 program be “closed-ended,” available only to a specified number of investors, and which number is tied to the number of direct or indirect jobs created by the investment. In other words, had the project even progressed as represented, there would have likely been too few jobs created per investor to provide the number of EB-5 visas that were promised. 被告未像售卖时宣传一样招募79人,而是至少卖出90个名额。违反了投资款进入EB-5项目中只提供特定投资者就“封闭”的必要性。(募集过多的)人数会导致投资的直接与间接就业的创造吃紧。换言之,对于承诺提供的EB-5签证而言,产生的就业量会太少。