需要指出的是:政府规费可以是雇主开的公司支票,或由律师事务所出的支票,银行开的cashier check或者money order,但不应是受益人个人支票。支票要按用途分开来写,不要合起来开。 支票要开给“US Department of Homeland Security”,不要开给USCIS 或DHS;数字要准确,支票不能有涂改,且务必要有签字;账号里一定要有足够的钱,跳票会导致退件;如果开出的数目多了,移民局不会找零,只会退件。
问: H1B transfer跟H1B application收费款项有区别吗?
答: 没有。 H1B transfer 是一个容易误导人的概念。所谓Transfer 的仅仅是一个名额(不需要重新抽签), 而其他所有要求和费用与一个新的申请无异。
答: 非也。该培训费规定于American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act (“ACWIA”) 中,目的是积累资金为美国籍劳工提供培训,增强他们的竞争力。
答:雇主无权这么做。根据美国劳工部的规定,这属于非法克扣(‘Illegal Deductions’)。[Illegal Deductions: Your employer may not require you to pay, either directly or indirectly, any part of the petition filing fee; or to pay a financial penalty for leaving employment before a date set in the employment contract; or to pay employer business expenses (such as attorney’s fees for preparation and filing of the H1B Labor Condition Application). For more info, visit www.wagehour.dol.gov]