2、Disclaimer: The following article is provided for information purposes only and is not to be construed as actual legal advice nortake the place of legal counsel.
坦白从宽,牢底做穿。抗拒从严,回家过年。I'd like to remain silent and I will not say anything before my attorney is present. I don't consent to any searches.
坦白从宽,牢底做穿。抗拒从严,回家过年。I'd like to remain silent and I will not say anything before my attorney is present. I don't consent to any searches.
坦白从宽,牢底做穿。抗拒从严,回家过年。I'd like to remain silent and I will not say anything before my attorney is present. I don't consent to any searches.
【这里LZ补充一下,最高法院规定,你必须(must!)亲口说出"I'm going to remain silent"】
美利坚合众国宪法第四条修正案(英语:FourthAmendment to the United States Constitution)是美国权利法案的一部分,旨在禁止无理搜查和扣押,并要求搜查和扣押状的发出有相当理由的支持。原文如下:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons,houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shallnot be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to besearched, and the persons or things to be seized.
在美国,搜查是需要法官的搜查令或者合理原因(Probablecause 下文会进一步解释)很多警察言语中会暗示我们他们有权利搜查。所以,如果警察问你车上有没有什么违法的物品,你应该拒绝回答这样的问题,且立刻告诉他:I don't consent any searches.只要你说了这句话以后,警察不能合法的做任何事情,即使他最后强迫你搜查你的车,哪怕查出了毒品也都属于非法搜查(IllegalSearch),这些证据在法庭上的作用会大打折扣甚至无效。前提是当事人必须清楚的大声告诉警察:I don't consent any searches!
I don't consent to any searches!
I don't consent to any searches!
I don't consent to any searches!
I don't consent to any searches!
同样,你的住宅也受到宪法第四修正案保护。如果警察要进入你家,你应先问一句 “Do you have a warrant to enter?” 如果对方说没有,你可以马上拒绝警察进入。正确说法是。”Officer, I can’t let you in without warrant.”
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say canand will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to alawyer and have him present while you are questioned. If you cannot afford tohire a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before questioning, ifyou wish one.
警察问:Are you in hurry?(从最没有攻击性,轻松的问题开始) 如果真超速了,大部分中国人恐怕回答 yes,或者编了个什么理由。
下一个问题往往是:Do you know what's the speed limit here? 这个问题无关紧要,怎么回答都可以。
最关键的问题是:Do you know how fast you were travelling? 这是个非常重要的问题,这问题等同于你杀了人,警察问你怎么杀的。如果你回答:我是超速了,只不过一点点而已,恐怕五英里都不要到。那么以后再厉害的辩护人都难在法庭上帮你免罚单了。交通法庭上经常能见到律师当庭证明警察的测速雷达的误差到了荒唐的地步,但是案子还是因为当事人的这句话输掉了。正确的回答是:I know, but I'd rather not say.