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2024-11-27 18:50:12 8

太平洋时间9月14日, The National Law Review发表了一篇关于EB-5区域中心重新授权问题的文章,以下是中文大意:



Democratic and Republican Negotiators in the House and Senate areworking through the EB-5 Regional Center Program’s reauthorization and have notreached consensus as of this writing. The House and the Senate must agree onlanguage and pass that identical language in both Chambers prior to September30, 2015 in order to effectuate the desired more comprehensive reform of theprogram. The chances of that happening , however, given the fewlegislative days in the House in the Senate – fewer than 10 – ischallenging. The more likely scenario will be the program’s temporaryextension with three other immigration-related programs that are also slated tosunset at the month’s end. This temporary extension will most probably bea shorter term extension as part of the larger Continuing Resolution (“CR”) – abill that will be introduced to keep significant parts of the U.S. governmentopen following the end of the government fiscal year on September 30,2015. The CR is something that has become a Congressional fall backin lieu of passing actual spending bills. At this point there is even aquestion about whether the CR can be passed in time so as to prevent a governmentshutdown. All that being said, September 30, 2015 remains a criticaldeadline for reauthorization of the EB-5 program.

- See more at:http://www.natlawreview.com/article/where-eb-5-regional-center-reauthorization-program-headed-september-30-2015#sthash.iX0XyInk.JNriqsQ9.dpuf

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