a. For preference category and derivative petitions, the“CSPAage” is determined on the date that the visa, or in thecase of derivative beneficiaries, the principal alien's visa became available(i.e., the date on which the priority date became current in the ApplicationFinal Action Dates and the petition was approved, whichever came later). TheCSPA age is the result of subtracting the number of days that the IV petitionwas pending with USCIS (from date of receipt to date of approval, including anyperiod of administrative review) from the actual age of the applicant on the datethat the visa became available. You should note that in some cases, such asemployment preference cases based on the filing of a labor certification,thepriority date is not the same as the petition filing date. The petition filingand petition approval dates are the only relevant dates.
外交事务指南(Foreign Affair Manual ,缩写FAM)中陈述:只有当申请人真正获得签证配额的时候(the principal alien’s visa becameavailable),才能够去计算孩子的CSPA年龄。
计算的方式为:获得签证配额时孩子的实际年龄 - I-526审理时间= CSPA年龄
3、那么如何定义获得签证配额的时间呢(Visa Available Day)呢?
FAM中写道:the date on which the priority date becamecurrent in the Application Final Action Dates and the petition was approved,whichever came later
这派律师的意见是,NVC可能允许申请人在获得签证配额的时间(Visa Available day)之前就递交DS-260申请,但是该申请的审理时间并不能从实际年龄中被扣除。
对于生理年龄已经超过21周岁的副申请人,暂不发出Fee Bill,因为NVC在申请人的优先日被排到之前,无权审核其是否受到超龄保护。没有权力做计算,意味着不能减去审理时间。即使该副申请人显然不会超龄,只要他生理上已经到达21周岁,Fee Bill 就不会被发出。这种情况下,该副申请人只能等待排期排到后,再来要求NVC或者领馆添加上自己的名字。虽然律师认为NVC这样的操作是对法律的曲解,并且已经递交了书面的更正申请。但是很遗憾,就其固执的过往历史来看,NVC不会轻易改动他们的判定标准。