- Occupation lists: The occupation lists that underpin the 457 visa will be significantly condensed from 651 to 435 occupations, with 216 occupations removed and access to 59 other occupations restricted.
- Of the 435 occupations, access to 24 occupations has been restricted to regional Australia (e.g. occupations relating to farmingand agriculture).
- The Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL)will also be renamed as the new Short-term Skilled Occupations List (STSOL) and will be updated every six months based on advice from the Department of Employment.
- The other occupations list used for skilled migration, the Skilled Occupations List (SOL) will be renamed the new Mediumand Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL). This list will contain occupations that have been assessed as being of high value to the Australian economy and aligning to the Government’s longer term training and workforce strategies.
- Validity period: The maximum duration of 457 visas issued from this
date for occupations that are on the STSOL will be two years. Occupations on the MLTSSL will continue to be issued for a maximum duration of four years.
- Occupation lists: The STSOL will be further reviewed based on advicefrom the Department of Employment. The MLTSSL will be revised based on outcomesfrom the Department of Education and Training’s 2017-18 SOL review.
- English language requirements: English language salary exemption threshold, whichexempts applicants whose salary is over $96,400 from the English languagerequirement, will be removed.
- English languagerequirements(186或者187 PR Stream): A requirement of an International English Language Testing System(IELTS) (or equivalent test) score of 6 in each component. PR的stream雅思要求4个6!因为此前186和187 direct stream本身要求就是4个6,最可能的直接影响是457转186的申请者,以前只要4个5,2017年7月1号之后很可能要4个6!
- Age: A maximum age requirement of 45 at the time of application will apply to Direct Entry stream applicants. A maximum age requirement of 50 at the time of application will continue to apply to Temporary Residence Transition stream applicants.
年龄限制,186和187 direct stream的,递交申请的时候不能超过45周岁,457转186的递交申请的时候不能超过50周岁。
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection(the Department) will commence the collection of Tax File Numbers for 457 visaholders (and other employer sponsored migrants), and data will be matched withthe Australian Tax Office’s records to ensure that visa holders are not paidless than their nominated salary.
移民局会根据税号Match ATO的数据和提名的工资是否一致
The Department willcommence the publication of details relating to sponsors sanctioned for failingto meet their obligations under the Migration Regulation 1994 and related legislation.
From March 2018, the 457 visa will be abolished and replaced with the TSS visa. The TSS visa will be comprised of a Short-Term stream of up to two years, and a Medium-Term stream of up to fouryears.
The Short-Term stream is designed for Australian businesses to fill skill gaps with foreign workers on a temporary basis, wherea suitably skilled Australian worker cannot be sourced.
457将会被正式废止,被TSS签证替代,组成是2年的Short term stream和4年的Medium-Term Stream.
The Medium-Term stream will allow employers tosource foreign workers to address shortages in a narrower range of high skilland critical need occupations, where a suitably skilled Australian worker cannot be sourced.
The Short-Term stream will include the following criteria (关于Short term stream的要求)
- Renewal: Capacity for visa renewal onshore once only.
最多onshore renew一次
- Occupations:-职业
o For non-regional Australia, the STSOL will apply.
o For regional Australia, the STSOL will apply, with additional occupations available to support regional employers.
- English language requirements: A requirement of an International English LanguageTesting System (IELTS) (or equivalent test) score of 5, with a minimum of 4.5 in each test component.
- Genuine entry: A genuine temporary entrant requirement.
The Medium-Term stream will include the following criteria(关于中长期stream的要求):
- Renewal: Capacity for visarenewal onshore and a permanent residence pathway after three years. 3年后才能转PR
- Occupation lists-职业清单
o For non-regional Australia - the MLTSSL will apply.
o For regional Australia - the MLTSSL will apply, with additional occupations available to support regional employers.
- English language requirements: a requirement of a minimum of IELTS 5 (or equivalent test) in each test component.
Eligibility criteria for both streams will include(对两个stream的共同要求):
- Work experience: at least two years’ relevant work experience. 至少两年相关工作经验!
- Labour market testing (LMT): LMT will be mandatory, unless an international obligation applies.强制劳工市场测试
- Minimum market salary rate: Employers must pay the Australian market salary rate and meet the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold requirements.最低市场工资
- Character: Mandatory penalclearance certificates to be provided.无犯罪记录与
- Workforce: A non-discriminatory workforce test to ensureemployers are not actively discriminating against Australian workers.不歧视本地员工
- Training requirement: a strengthened training requirement for employers to contribute.更严格的培训要求
针对现在457签证持有者,移民部长在新闻发布会上的原话回答是:For those people that are here on a 457 Visaat the moment, there will be a grandfathering arrangement. They will continueunder the conditions of that visa.翻译过来就是沿用旧的规定,继续满足旧的签证条款即可。不过唯一可能变化的就是前面提到的转186时候的语言要求提高。